Communication plays a key role in the employee-manager relationship. While Slack, and team meetings can help managers and their direct reports stay in contact, there’s no substitute for specific and dedicated time between you and your manager. They’re an unparalleled way for individuals to come together to share company, team, and personal updates — and why they’re so crucial.

In addition to using 1-1s to share productivity updates, find solutions to obstacles, and exchange feedback, managers should also take advantage of these casual check-ins to discuss larger, big-picture themes like professional development, career advancement, and performance management.

We ask that HAA managers hold a ‘structured’ 1-1 chat with each report at least once per month. However, we believe that managers and reports will find a cadence that suits them and of course, just ask.

<aside> 💁 We go into detail on discussion points and structure in our staff policy.


Why do 1:1s matter?

Setting up 1:1s on Lattice

🏗Drafted 1:1 templated agenda that exist in Lattice


What ineffective 1:1s look like

Tools and resources