<aside> 🛠️ You will find essential guides and resources for either first-time people leader development or those who may want a refresher. These guides and resources are based on research and surveys with other first-time managers and will focus on 5 fundamental areas that we believe make a manager to help STEER their report:


Seed 🌱 Seeding the foundations for your report’s career and development is important. Encourage them to take ownership of their growth and help them flourish in their role.
Transparent 🤝 Transparency helps to motivate your team and open communication fosters an environment of trust. Communicating openly and honestly allows you and your reports to understand the bigger picture. It helps them understand how their efforts contribute to business objectives.
Engage 👂 When a report feels supported and trusted in the workplace, their engagement and motivation will increase. A study by https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/article/1806097/employees-three-times-engaged-when-feel-supported-managers-study-shows found that found that 81% of those who felt trusted by their line managers were engaged, compared to 28% of employees who didn’t.
Empower 🔋 You can empower your report by elevating their work experience. Your 1:1s and review conversations are the perfect opportunity to ask https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisacohn/2023/03/21/how-managers-can-empower-employees-to-do-the-best-work-of-their-lives/?sh=774f530d13d5 or have specific conversations. You’re creating a safe space should your report wish to discuss anything.
Recognise 🙏 HAA doesn’t shy away from showing appreciation. We know this from the haa-kudos Slack channel. But, it can feel very different when a manager recognises the work a report has done. It clearly sends a message to the report that as a manager, you acknowledge the work they’re doing (either directly, or through peer feedback).

The guides and resources will look at:

🌱 Leadership styles

🌱 The coaching mindset

🌱 Expectations

🌱 Things to Read | Watch | Listen To | Read

Guides & resources

Resources for new managers

The 6 leadership styles

The coaching mindset

Effective 1:1s

<aside> ☝ For guidance and resources on line management with HAA, please click here
