<aside> ⬇️ Scroll down this page for the menu and navigation of our HAA Notion.


Here you'll find a collection of useful information to help you navigate your way around the company. The info on these pages will update as we grow, so please do check back often. Anything you see with a πŸ— sign is a work-in-progress. ✌️

What is Notion for?

<aside> πŸ«‚ Humans, we want your feedback! If you think something is missing, or you have ideas on how to improve what you find, let Chloe (MD) or Ailsa (COO) know.


<aside> πŸ‘‹ Visitors, welcome! please note that a lot of content is hidden for external visitors 🀫 but we’re very happy to share what you can see.


The business

Our story

Proud to be a B Corp

What we do

Our clients

Our internal initiatives

How we work

For managers

Line Management at HAA

Guides for first-time managers

Our people

Our culture

Learning and development


Diversity, inclusion and belonging

Diversity and inclusion statement

Diversity, inclusion & belonging strategy